We are joining up the dots, section by section

Kings of Wessex Link

In the Easter holidays 2025 work is planned to start on an exciting new joint project between Kings Academy in Cheddar and the Strawberry Line Society. Plans have been agreed for a new off-road link that will run from the Cheddar Leisure Centre in Station Road, around the perimeter of the Kings Academy playing field and over a new bridge across the Cheddar Yeo. The route will connect to the existing stretch of the Strawberry Line south of Cheddar and enable direct access for people living south of the Yeo to Kings Academy, Cheddar Leisure Centre, Sharpham Road sports ground, the new Bloors Estate, Axbridge and Cheddar Reservoir.

A document containing more detail can be accessed here.

Community involvement will begin over the Easter holidays (5th – 20th April) when volunteers from both partners will install a security fence between the line of the path and school grounds. Anyone interested in helping do contact us mentioning the Kings Link. If prospective volunteers also leave their mobile number, they can be added to a dedicated Kings Link WhatsApp group for further information and updates.